Friday, September 2, 2011

X-plorers now on sale!!!

You may already know, but the new printing of Dave Bezio's X-plorers is now available!

Brave Halfling Video about new X-plorers book!

Pick it up HERE while low sale prices remain!

Psst: You'll need X-ploers to play the adventures I've written that BHP is publishing this year. :D

Why play X-plorers?

Character generation is quick and easy so you can get to gallivanting around the galaxy.

I challenge you NOT to LOVE the innovative, simple yet robust and FUN "Ship and Strip" space combat system!

Shoutout to BlUsKrEEm for coining the term "Ship and Strip"
(aside: I find you can use it for air and land vehicles also)

Choose from four character types with a simplified four-attribute skill system. Then outfit your team and prepare to make planetfall!

Game Masters: Create a cosmic sandbox using basic rules.

PDF included with purchase of hard copy book, which inlcudes bookmarks to all major sections.

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