Friday, November 7, 2008

Recipe the First: House Seasoning.

This is an idea I got from watching Paula Deen.

I make a "House Seasoning" that I use on almost everything, and it makes cooking more tasty and faster.

My mix is this:
4 tablespoons (T) Kosher salt
2 T black pepper
2 T garlic powder
1 teaspoon (t) cayenne pepper powder

Mix, later rinse, repeat.

I keep this in an airtight jar so it doesn't go stale or pick up humidity and melt into a solid block. and it goes in almost everything. One jar, easy.

You can add herbs too, like to the above, 1-2 tbls of italian seasoning, but with too much stuff, you stop tasting it all.
If I add to the above it's usually:
1-2 t ginger powder
1-2 t sage

If I recall, Paula's was equal parts Salt, black pepper and garlic powder, but I'm not sure about that. and it's probably copyrighted, so you didn't hear it from me. ;-)

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